ISO 20022

ISO 20022 or UNIFI is the ISO Standard for Financial Services Messaging. It describes a Metadata Repository containing descriptions of messages and business processes, and a maintenance process for the Repository Content.

The Repository contains a huge amount of financial services metadata that has been shared and standardized across the industry. The metadata is stored in UML models with a special 20022 UML Profile. Underlying all of this is the 20022 metamodel - a model of the models. The UML Profile is the metamodel transformed into UML. The metadata is transformed into the syntax of messages used in financial networks. The first syntax supported for messages was XML Schema.

ISO 20022 is widely used in Financial Services. Organizations participating in 20022 include: FPL (FIX), ISDA (FpML), OMGEO, and Visa.

ISO 20022 is the successor to ISO 15022; originally ISO 20022 was called ISO 15022 2nd Edition. ISO 15022 was the successor of ISO 7775.


Parts of the Standard

Management of the Standard

Commercial and Open Source Implementations

See also

External links